A Unique Formula...

That is what our chapter has.  Sure, music performance excellence is in the mix…but how about genuine fun, humor, outrageous ideas that end up working.  Most importantly brotherhood and fellowship.

The Crimson Pride Chorus is a championship acapella barbershop group, having won the 2016 Dixie District championship.  We are always looking to improve in all aspects of the craft.  The chorus also pushes the envelope in music selection, working on modern arrangements as well as traditional barbershop pieces.  The chorus competes twice each year, honing its performance skills and also joining with other chapters to take part in convention, building friendships across the district that last a lifetime.  In addition to that, we produce two major shows during the year.  The annual show in spring highlights the music that the chorus has been working on during the year and a Christmas show to make your Season bright.  In addition to that we are regularly invited to sing at other functions around the Tuscaloosa area. 

It is not all about singing and rehearsal…each time we meet, there is a relaxed atmosphere conducive to having fun and certainly good humor abounds.  Each member looks forward to Thursday evening meetings as there is always the element of surprise - you never know what exactly may occur. Certainly, all of it is in good spirit and fun. One such surprise was the introduction of the use of Kazoos to the rehearsal.  One of our very creative music leaders purchased enough Kazoos for each singer.  The idea was a bit outrageous at first, but there was method to the madness.  So a few brave souls on the first night formed a quartet of Kazoos to perform a traditional barbershop song. While the performance was not perfect by any means, a new tradition was born.  The entire chorus now uses the Kazoos as part of the performance of select songs.

On a more serious note, our chapter is one of brotherhood and fellowship.  We are like family and as such we care about each other and support each other in times of difficulty and need.  It is a special relationship with each other and is treasured.  Not only do we meet regularly on chapter nights, but we also enjoy fellowship with each other outside of that.  The group regularly has social events at either restaurants or members’ houses where the fun (and yes the singing) continues.  If at a restaurant, we are known to serenade a waitress or other restaurant staff member or just perform for the entire restaurant.  It becomes the highlight of everyone’s day.

We certainly don’t want to keep this formula to ourselves.  We would love any guy who sings to come and visit with us on a Thursday evening.   You can also attend one of our shows and experience the Crimson Pride Chorus perform for you!

It's Great To Be  A Crimson Pride Barbershopper!